Dirty Shirley Canned Cocktail



Legend has it that this delicious drink got its name from a cheeky lady who used to order it at a restaurant around 1932. The story goes that she was a bit of a troublemaker and loved to mix her Shirley Temple with a splash of something naughty - usually vodka or rum - to give it an edge.

Over time, this mischievous creation became known as the Dirty Shirley, and it soon caught on as a popular drink among those who like a little bit of fun with their cocktails.

Of course, there are many variations of the Dirty Shirley, each with a unique twist. Some people like ginger ale instead of citrus soda or cherry juice instead of grenadine. Others add lemon, or pineapple if they feel tropical.

So there you have it, my naughty friend. The Dirty Shirley has come a long way from its innocent Shirley Temple roots, and it's become a beloved classic for those who like to live on the wild side. Cheers to that!

Dirty Shirley Canned Cocktail
Dirty Shirley Canned Cocktail



Imagine a naturally vibrant, fruitily delicious cocktail - our Dirty Shirley isn't your standard. Made with organic cherry juice, not the sugary grenadine imitation of fruit.

This switch-up results in a cocktail packed with antioxidants and nutrients. The authentic ruby-red color? Nature’s own, not lab-made Red-40. Our cherry juice enriches the drink with a deep, balanced flavor and an enticing aroma, like strolling through a blooming cherry orchard.

Our Dirty Shirley isn’t just a cocktail, it's a bold, authentic celebration of nature, health, and taste. Toast to the extraordinary life with Dirty Shirley!